Thursday, October 3, 2013

Un Installing ROS completely from system in Ubuntu

In order to un-install ROS completely from system the following command can be used

sudo apt-get remove ros-*

or if you need to remove specific version then Like for electric

sudo apt-get remove ros-electric-* 

You have to edit .bashrc to remove all the calls or variables set in there for ROS, 
Remove any setup scripts also delete the workspaces created when working with ROS.

If there is some unused dependecies left then the following can be used

sudo apt-get autoremove


  1. I'm new to linux and ROS, how can I edit the .bashrc and remove all of the ROS variables, and also all of the workspace created?

    1. I am 2 years late in answering this, but this a**hole blogger should have done it first. Anyways, for next set of people in future:
      1. type sudo nano ~/.bashrc
      2. press ctrl+w (to find)
      3. type ros
      4. there will be a set of lines under the virtual environment setting...look carefully..if it is a ros package press ctrl +k (delete whole line)

    2. Thanks Rahul Tripathy

  2. How can I save the changes after deleting the line?

  3. Ctrl + O and Ctrl + X
